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18O Labeling reagent "Water-18O"


Proteases (e.g. Trypsin) in Water -18O catalyze 16O/18O exchange at the C-terminal carboxyl group of proteolytic peptides, resulting in 4 Da mass shift between labeled and non-labeled peptide ions observed in mass spectrometry (MS).
This technique has been applied for an absolute quantification method of proteins in the fields of drug discovery and life science .
Taiyo Nippon Sanso provides high quality hydrolyzing 18O labeling reagent "Water - 18O".

Test Unit Specification Method
Oxygen-18O atom% ≥98(F03-0027)
Oxygen-17O atom% <2 MS
Oxygen-16O atom% <2 MS
Appearance - Clear, Colorless No visible object Visual check
Chemical Purity % >99.99 *
Na mg/L <2 ICP-MS
Mg mg/L <1 ICP-MS
K mg/L <1 ICP-MS
Ca mg/L <1 ICP-MS
Fe mg/L <0.1 ICP-MS
Cu mg/L <1 ICP-MS
Zn mg/L <1 ICP-MS
NH4+ mg/L <1 IC
F- mg/L <1 IC
Cl- mg/L <1 IC
Br- mg/L <1 IC
NO3- mg/L <1 IC
PO43- mg/L <1 IC
SO42- mg/L <1 IC
I- mg/L <1 IC
Total Oganic Cabon mg/L <5 TOC analyxer
Conductivity mS/m <0.3 Comductivity meter
pH 5.5-8.0 pH meter
Microbial limit cfu/mL <1 Membrane filter
Pyrogenicity EU/mL <0.25 LAL

Oxygen-18O Labeling

Taiyo Nippon Sanso supplies building blocks for Oxygen-18O labeling and offers a custom synthesis service of 18O-compounds that are not commercially available.

18O-assisted mass spectrometry has advantages over conventional D, 13C and 15N labeling .

Fig. Chromatogram and mass spectrum of 18O labeled and non-18O labeled compounds

By using 18O introduction reagent, any compound can be labeled with 18O.

PRODUCT No. : A101-0138

PRODUCT : Benzyl Alcohol-18O 98atom% 18O

PRODUCT No. : A99-0136

PRODUCT : N,N-Dimethylformamide-18O 95atom% 18O

PRODUCT No. : A102-0139

PRODUCT : Ethoxycarbonylmethyl(triphenyl)phosphonium-18O Bromide 98atom% 18O

PRODUCT No. : A100-0137

PRODUCT : 2-Amino-5-phenyl-1,3.5-Oxadiazole-18O 95atom% 18O

PRODUCT No. : A106-0143

PRODUCT : Dirthyl Carbonate-18O 98atom% 18O

PRODUCT No. : A104-0141

PRODUCT : Uracil-18O2 95atom% 18O

PRODUCT No. : A105-0142

PRODUCT : 5-Fluorouracil-18O2 95atom% 18O



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Minato Mirai Grand Central Tower 7F
4-6-2, Minatomirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama,
Kanagawa 220-8561, Japan

Taiyo Nippon Sanso's Solution as a Leading Oxygen Manufacture

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